Myopia Control in Newark

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Prioritizing Myopia Management Early

Your children can undergo some crucial vision milestones in their younger years, and vision conditions like myopia can affect those milestones. Myopia (nearsightedness) is a common vision condition that makes distance vision blurry. 

Myopia typically develops during childhood and can affect your children in different ways, including in the classroom. Through comprehensive eye exams and different myopia control strategies like ortho-k contacts, we can help slow myopia progression early. 

We want your children to enjoy healthy, clear vision—contact us to schedule your appointment today.

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What Is Myopia Control?

Glasses and contacts can correct blurry vision caused by myopia but do not slow its progression. Myopia control is a treatment program that can slow myopia to protect your child’s long-term eye health and quality of life. 

Our myopia control strategies include:

  • Ortho-k contact lenses
  • Atropine drops
  • Multifocal contacts and glasses lenses

Our team works with you and your child to find the right myopia control strategy.

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Common Signs & Symptoms of Myopia

The signs and symptoms of myopia can vary, and your child may not always be able to let you know when they’re having vision problems.

Some common signs and symptoms to look for include: 

  • Squinting to see distant objects
  • Frequent headaches
  • Eye strain
  • Difficulty in school
  • Sitting too close to screens

If you start noticing these signs, schedule an eye exam with Dr. Nguyen to determine if myopia control is the right next step for your child. 

Common Signs & Symptoms of Myopia

The signs and symptoms of myopia can vary, and your child may not always be able to let you know when they’re having vision problems.

Some common signs and symptoms to look for include: 

  • Squinting to see distant objects
  • Frequent headaches
  • Eye strain
  • Difficulty in school
  • Sitting too close to screens

If you start noticing these signs, schedule an eye exam with Dr. Nguyen to determine if myopia control is the right next step for your child. 

How Learning & Myopia Are Linked

When your child has trouble with their sight, it can impact their life at school and cause difficulty with:

  • Reading from a distance
  • Seeing the board in class
  • Participating in sports and other activities. 

Vision-related learning challenges can lead to stress and confusion and, if left untreated, can cause children to fall behind their friends. 

With professional care and treatment options for myopia, Dr. Nguyen and her team can support your child’s long-term vision and eye health.

Our Myopia Control Strategies

We strive to unlock the potential of your child’s vision. Our myopia control services are designed to help provide long-lasting visual clarity and slow myopia through modern and evolving strategies. 

At 20/20 Image Optometry, we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions for stable and controlled vision. We base our recommendations on your child’s health, lifestyle, and personality. 

Ortho-K Contact Lenses

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) involves using rigid gas-permeable contact lenses that are worn overnight to mold your child’s cornea and help reduce their dependence on glasses and contact lenses throughout the day.

Ortho-k lenses can be a great option for children managing mild to moderate myopia. They are custom-made for each individual’s specific eye shape and prescription, helping provide a comfortable fit and long-lasting benefits.

Like all contact lenses, proper care and cleaning are crucial for maintaining good eye health and preventing infections when you wear ortho-k lenses.

Multifocal contacts and glasses lenses are designed with multiple zones of focus.

The central zone provides clear vision, while the peripheral zones are tailored to alter the way light focuses on the retina, providing a stop signal for excessive eye growth, a key factor in myopia progression.

Low-dose atropine is a promising treatment method for children with myopia. These atropine drops can help with myopia control by suppressing the eye’s elongated growth.

This treatment is typically prescribed as a daily drop, administered in the evening before bedtime.

We’re in Your Corner Against Myopia

Dr. Nguyen and her team are always passionate about finding new ways to help you and your children enjoy clear vision. We love working with patients of all ages and creating long-lasting relationships. 

We have your back when it comes to myopia management—contact us to learn more and schedule your appointment today.

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Come Visit Us

You can find us on Cedar Boulevard, with plenty of parking available in front of the clinic. We look forward to seeing you!

Our Address

  • 39718 Cedar Blvd.
  • Newark, CA 94560

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 9:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 9:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:30 AM 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

*We are closed from 12 – 2 PM for lunch on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

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